Love Eternal


Job: Anniversary card
Client: Personal use

CONCEPT: Very few people we meet in life are ones that change us forever. Even less common are people that affect us for the better every day. Those we love shape who we are and give us stories that last throughout time. Create an image that conveys these feelings of devotion while also producing a beautiful anniversary card.

CHALLENGE: Produce a romantic image from the heart that is visually stunning on a greeting card.

SOLUTION: For photorealism, Adobe Photoshop was chosen. The focal image was a skeleton hand fading to dust, depicting the few precious moments a couple can be together. To represent love’s burning flame, the hand gently clasps a red rose engulfed in bright blue fire. A dark cracked granite background was chosen for contrast. Each element was selected with intention and then layered and masked in place – a windblown Egyptian desert dune to the burning embers falling from the flaming rose petals.

RESULT: The client’s partner was moved and found the card breathtaking! Life is short but love is eternal.